Kerstin Brätsch
DAS INSTITUT, Absolution Well, 2016
2016 118 x 124 x 131 cm
Consisting of:
COMCORRÖDER Neon Lights, 2010/2015
(Neon / Argon / Krypton / Mercury) A Variable Set of 40
C Components and Umlaut Neon Tubes Blowing Hot
and Cold, custom neon tubes, power transformers,
high-voltage cable, crate
Single Brushstrokes in Lead (Anal Fin, BI. Wurm,
Embryo, feuerkralle, F.I.N., Pinguin, Ratte, Ruessel,
Sipfel), 2012–14 “Glow Rod Tanning with . . .” series
Antique glass, drawn glass, lead
DAS INSTITUT, Absolution Well, 2016
2016 118 x 124 x 131 cm
Consisting of:
COMCORRÖDER Neon Lights, 2010/2015
(Neon / Argon / Krypton / Mercury) A Variable Set of 40
C Components and Umlaut Neon Tubes Blowing Hot
and Cold, custom neon tubes, power transformers,
high-voltage cable, crate
Single Brushstrokes in Lead (Anal Fin, BI. Wurm,
Embryo, feuerkralle, F.I.N., Pinguin, Ratte, Ruessel,
Sipfel), 2012–14 “Glow Rod Tanning with . . .” series
Antique glass, drawn glass, lead
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